Wich of this singers of the past is your favorite

which of these artists is your favorite

which of these rock videogames is your favorite?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

whats your favorite band?

A.guns and roses

B.green day

C.simple plan


Animals said...

good vlog

Anonymous said...

I like Green Day

LatinMuscissian said...

Cool site. I like Greend Day.

=) MUsiC iN tHe WoRLd =) said...

cool blog

nickrox said...

um none of them i like the jonas brothers~!~! whats guns n roses?

Malinchita74 said...

m.. none of them are my favorite band.. i like all tipes of musicc!

Sebastian Garcia said...

i like simple plan

Kids said...

I prefer simple plan!

Mostly because I dont know guns and roses, and I dont like greenday!

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